Choosing The Right Dumpster

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One important decision when selecting a dumpster rental in Orlando is determining the size you need. If you choose a dumpster that is too big, you end up paying more than you need to. And, if you choose a dumpster that is too small and you run the risk over filling it or having to rent an additional dumpster, or you end up paying an additional fee every time the dumpster is removed and replaced with a new one. trips to empty your dumpster. We’ve outlined below some things to consider when selecting a dumpster rental.

Dumpster Sizes Explained:

For starters, all dumpster containers are measured in cubic yards will vary in size from eight to forty cubic yards. Some dumpster containers are rented with compactors and even come with wheels making it easy to roll or move the dumpster around.  It’s a good idea to talk about your particular application with the dumpster company sales person or representative who can help you select the right size and number of dumpsters you will need for the job at hand.  Be sure to let the company know as much information about your project as possible. Tell them what kind of material you plan on dumping and as much information about the location where the dumpster will be located upon delivery. The more information you can provide, the better. If you know the size of the area you are cleaning out, remodeling or demoing, be sure to let the dumpster rental representative know so they can assist you with selecting the right number and right sized dumpsters for your job!

Most Common Dumpster Sizes

10 yard dumpsters are usually rented in dimensions of 12 x 8 x 4 feet and are really good for smaller sized jobs, such as a small remodel or garage clean out. 20 yard dumpsters are usually rented in dimensions of 22 x 8 x 4.5 feet and are a good choice for large garage clean outs, home remodeling where carpet removal is involved or even for the disposal of old roofing shingles, if you decide to put a new roof on your home or office. 30 yard dumpsters come in 22 x 8 x 6-foot size and are perfect for additions to a home, demolition of a garage, new house construction, replacement of siding on your home. For the really large demolition jobs,  a forty yard dumpster would fit the bill. These dumpsters are 22 x 8 x 8-foot in size. Dumpsters this big are the best choice for bigger home demolition and remodeling projects or for commercial use.

Other Dumpster Rental Factors

After you’ve determined the size and number of the dumpster you will need for the job, it’s important that you request and receive a written estimate or proposal before agreeing to any services. Make sure that everything is spelled out including all fees, hidden and otherwise  such as dumpster delivery & pick up, any additional fees for dumping of certain material, and the cost for using the dumpster longer than the agreed upon time. We also suggest that you contact your local city or government regulating body government to find out if there are any permitting issues or rules that need to be addressed before your dumpster rental is delivered.

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